Sunday, September 21, 2008

What's up America??

Seriously. What is going on over there in the USA?? I feel like these are super important times in the country and I'm out of it. One, well, I'm in a foreign country for the next 3 months, but also in terms of an economic perspective, I don't get it. How can the government and the banks themselves allow such big banks to just lose it. There was talk of AIG going under. The fact that there was talk about this, says how dire the situation is. This economic situation seems to have put the presidential debates on a second tier.

We have become so cynical over the last eight years thanks to all these photo op's and just being lied to by the current administration, that I think they might of controlled this economic situation to put people's attention away from the election and in the end help keep the Republicans in power. Or Bush just wants whoever gets his presidency to have to deal with the mess he left. That would make Bush look not as bad as he actually was. At least in the history books. But seriously, name a worse President other than Nixon...

That was my rant. I leave you with questions and photos.

Are the Padres getting any better? How was Street Scene? Is Chappele's Show back on? LOST? Remember o-town? When Pat&Oscar's was just Oscar's?? what about ska-punk??

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